In our latest campaign Celebrities demand respect with provocative statements! In order to commemorate the UN International day against racism Gesicht Zeigen! launched this campaign in march 2013. German celebrities campaigned for more respect on posters, everybody has a slogan that is at first a contradiction. For example actress Gesine Cukrowski has the headline I am Turkish, beneath this unexpected declaration there is the explanation written in smaller type „if you have something against turks“.
Eight other prominent faces can be seen making similar statements: “I’m black….”, “I’m gay…..”, “I’m jewish….”, “I’m muslim…..” and “I’m Migrant….” picking up current societal issues. The celebrities could be seen on numerous posters throughout Berlin, also 28.000 postcards were distributed. The pictures were also shown on big TV screens and at train stations.
Furthermore Gesicht Zeigen! has developed a lot of materials for new, inspiring and modern work to all of our subjects. We offer posters showing forbidden right symbols and codes, we developed one interactive poster for practical work with students. We have a lot of booklets to many themes like human rights, anti-Semitism, Religion and so on.And last but not least, we have developed several games – they are very colorful and beautiful designed. So everybody wants to work with them!!